Sunday, October 30, 2005

I'm Not Cool

Okay, so Heidi and I have done some serious nightlifing in Hali (not "The Fax," Phil, but good try!). On Friday, we went to the Lower Deck, where Heidi attracted a conference of Motorola salesmen. The wingmen bought me beer. I'm down with being the wingmen's target when it means free beer. And last night, we went to my friend Kim's house party. You know what? I'm freaking exhausted, and looking forward--yup, actually looking forward--to getting some work done for my classes. Also, the shower in the pink dungeon has started leaking and my floor goes squish-squish-squish when I walk on it. I don't think that bodes well.
Oh--noon. Time for my nap and my prune juice! Anyone know what time Matlock's on, or where I left my eyeglasses?


Anonymous said...

Hurry up, Trent! Bring her her cane and her arthritis meds!


Anonymous said...

Okay, so I wrote a big long post about what Toni did at the bar on Friday, and then I thought, does Toni's mom read this blog? Because she doesn't drink that much at all, or dance...
PS If Becca's not cool, I'm in big trouble.

Anonymous said...

Just in case you missed more wedding fiasco, here's the best man. It made me snort.
