Sunday, May 28, 2006

And they don't even issue gloves.

I got a job this week--started yesterday. I still get scholarship payments over the summer, plus I have a small summer term TAship, but partly because I was bored at home and not doing the reading I should have been (I require structure to work effectively!) and partly because we could use the extra cash, I decided to get a part-time job. Because we could survive on my summer pay if we needed to, I only applied for jobs I thought I would enjoy. So I got called for an interview at Atlantic Gardens, the biggest gardening centre in Metro (i.e. the greater Halifax area--Atlantic gardens is actually in Bedford and Sackville. Think St. Albert or Sherwood Park.) and they said that they're looking for full-time (44 hours/week) at the Sackville greenhouse. I said no thanks, I really only want part-time (no more than 30 hours in any given week, but I'd prefer less) in Bedford. She said okay, she'll get back to me the following day. I didn't hear from her for a few days, so I figure that someone else got the job. Then she called on Friday to tell me she wants me in the following day (yesterday--Saturday) for full-time up in Sackville. What do you do? I said okay, but that after June, I really, really only want part-time. Just a couple of shifts a week. Seriously. She said maybe.

I am such a freakin marshmallow.

So I start yesterday and get this--not only do they have one of those old-fashioned punch-card systems, there is a recess bell that tells us when to start, when to go on break, when to get back to work, and when to go home! I swear to god, I feel like at 5 o'clock, I should be sliding down a dinosaur's tail to my car! And my hands are all cut up from the stupid plastic plant trays. This is awesome.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Home from P-Gizzle

Yeah, that's what the UNBC students told us to call Prince George. We thought it was pretty funny. Of course, it didn't take us much to laugh at that point.
Honestly, I did spend 3 lovely days in Langley with my Aunt Deb and 5 fabulous days relaxing in Sparwood with Mom, but those 3 days in PG really, really stand out in my mind. I think it will take a while to get over it.
So, rather than repeating once again what a dodgy town Prince George is, I'm going to post some more pictures of my house. Which is practically empty right now, since Trent is on a business trip to Fort MacMurray, AB. Wow. P-Gizzle and Fort Crack. Since our move to Halifax, we visit really beautiful places, Trent and I. Here are some pictures. When you're done looking at them, call me because I'm bored and lonely.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Becca in BC

I am posting today from beautiful, metropolitan Prince Goerge, British Columbia! I've been in BC for the past week. My GSAC AGM was this weekend, and last night, we tore it up in PG. Colourful place. Maybe the less said, the better...

On an unrelated note (mainly because I didn't get back to the hotel until 4 in the morning, and I'm unable to make any reasonable, logical connections), here are some pics of the little shindig Trent and I had at the house last week. Please notice the lovely and delicate expression on my face. Don't know what Kim said, but it must have been interesting...

This one is my friend Nikki--without a doubt one of the sweetest people I've ever met. We kept teasing her about her hot shirt!

And here is Trent, very focused on being cool.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

At Long Last

We finally got around to taking pictures of our house! Please don't judge us by the ugly wallpaper, carpets (we call them the Redrum carpets) or the fact that, other than the bathroom, which Trent did a beautiful job on (don't you think?) the only paint colours are white, pale peach (blech!) or the bizarre, hot pink wall next to the stairs! This first picture of the exterior of the house was taken before we moved in--we don't really have a boat in the driveway or a covered swing on the deck!

Notice the new woodstove in our living room! Yay! Notice that we haven't put away the T-Shirts that Phidit sent us from Mount Rushmore! Boo!

Okay, Blogspot is starting to get wonky. I'd better publish this post. More photos soon, I promise!


Since Ozzy sheds so much and has been having problems with hairballs, we decided to get him shaved a couple of months ago. He's happy like this, but I can't help laughing every time I look at him--it looks like he's wearing a tight, grey sweater over his puffy, black fur!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


This is a picture of out television room; please notice the ugly carpet. Trent and I call it the Redrum carpet. On the left side of the picture is a wall; on the other side of this wall is the Hallway to Nowhere. The entrance to Narnia may be at the end of it... Anyway, eventually, that wall and the Redrum carpet have got to go!