Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I Wanna Be a Minority

I briefly considered being too depressed about the election results to get out of bed this morning. Problem was, I was already out of bed and honestly, politically-motivated depression just doesn't seem like a good enough reason to get undressed and crawl back into bed in the middle of the day. Also, it occurs to me that a minority Conservative government isn't going to get anything passed--assuming, of course, we don't have another vote of non-confidence, say, next week and jump into another election cycle. So I'll have to content myself with wearing drab colours and moping. Of course, I was feeling a little out of sorts yesterday, so I did my fair share of moping then, too. Michelle, a History MA student who also has an office in Bleak House, told me that statistically-speaking, January 23rd is the most depressing day of the year. Then Rob, an Eglish MA student said that he's had way more depressing days. Then it snowed yesterday and I felt better. Turns out, snow doesn't stay on the ground for months and months in Nova Scotia. It's only snowy for a few days--a week or two at the most--then it rains, and everything's all green again. Like winter in intervals. I can handle that, even with Stephen Harper in power.
Does it seem off to anyone else that Canada has 3 centre-left parties--one of which is corrupt, the other, hopelessly idealistic, and the third only represents one province--and only one right-wing party?
Oh, and by the way, it felt really, really weird, not being one of only 7 people in my riding voting NDP. I live in Alexa-land now.


Anonymous said...

Can I just say, that this PROVINCE SUCKS! Poor, poor landslide Annie.


Becca said...

Anonymous, who are you?! And who is landslide Annie?