I am posting today from beautiful, metropolitan Prince Goerge, British Columbia! I've been in BC for the past week. My GSAC AGM was this weekend, and last night, we tore it up in PG. Colourful place. Maybe the less said, the better...
On an unrelated note (mainly because I didn't get back to the hotel until 4 in the morning, and I'm unable to make any reasonable, logical connections), here are some pics of the little shindig Trent and I had at the house last week. Please notice the lovely and delicate expression on my face. Don't know what Kim said, but it must have been interesting...
This one is my friend Nikki--without a doubt one of the sweetest people I've ever met. We kept teasing her about her hot shirt!
And here is Trent, very focused on being cool.
4 am BC time is like WAY too early Halifax time. Geez Becca, you're old. Take care of yourself. :)
Hey, for once I didn't even need to break out the prickly pants! Maybe Prince George (or P-Gizzle, as we were calling it by the end of the night) isn't QUITE as dodgy as Edmonton after all!
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