Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Don't Take This the Wrong Way But...

...I hope it snows on your heads all next week. On account of Trent, Mom & Dad S., Paulie, Phidit and I will be basking in the Mexican sunshine. With cervezas and kaluhas con crema. And somehow, tropical vacations are always better when you know that you've escaped some really crappy weather.

Three more sleeps! (Actually, two-and-a-half more sleeps, since we have to get up crazy early to catch our flight on Saturday.)


Anonymous said...

Peh! I hope you get caught in a sand storm and your margaritas get all dirty! But don't take that the wrong way... Oh, and be sure to drink lots of tap water when you get all hot and sweaty. *Pbht!* >;P

Megs said...

oooh have the greatest time in meh-ico! umm, i hope you get lots of sunshine and then i am asking you to pack it in your suitcase and bring it home to canada..hee hee. safe flight!

Anonymous said...

Fill up on Mexico-infused Vitamin D! According to Roz it's fat-soluble so you can store it! Unlike vitamin C which is water soluble and you pee it out. She's a wealth of information.

Have you made emenies? .. the top comment seems very, um, sarcastically passive-aggressive :). I was going to say...So you want all of Canada to be enveloped in a huge Canadian storm that produces large amounts of heavy snow and torrential wind? I would feel the same way:)

Have a blast!