Sunday, February 11, 2007

Pero El Mono Es Muy Loco...

So. Tiger for Marlowe, no tiger for Ozzy. And I feel pretty bad. After all, he's 0 for 2 now. I call Trent and work and tell him the story and ask him to please please please stop at Superstore on the way home and pick up the monkey I'd vetoed in favour of El Tigre. And I spend an anxious afternoon, coddling and apologizing to Ozzy, while secretly celebrating the fact that Marlowe is half-trotting, half-stumbling around with a little yellow catnip tiger in her mouth. And Enkidu gets in on the excitment, and starts carrying her plush mouse around, meowing through it to let me know what a mighty hunter she is.

Finally Trent gets home, triumphantly pulls the monkey out of the package, and presents it to Ozzy. Ozzy sniffs it and walks away distainfully, still eyeing El Tigre. Trent and I try the switcheroo: Mono for Tigre, but Marlowe doesn't want the monkey either. Nobody wants the monkey.

Ozzy did, however, display a brief interest in the plastic wrapper that Mono came packaged in...


Nancin8R said...

Does Mono carry the 'bola? call the USAMRIID! Squirt it with Febreeze!

Becca said...

Dunno about the 'bola, but last time we went to Mexico, Trent and I got in trouble from the Travel Health Centre People for finding Simian Hepatitis and The Plague funny... (C'mon--who can take advice like "whatever you do, don't pet any monkeys!" seriously?)
Maybe the Mo0nsters have heard about the Simian Hep.

Anonymous said...

Brad and I just walked in the door and instantly I could smell ... something disgusting... like rot. Uh oh... I round the corner to see garbage ALL OVER the kitchen. Yes, Simon, figured out a way to break into the cupboard that had this cat-proof lock on it. And now he has hidden the rib bones to snack on later. They're prolly in places that are embarrassing that won't appear until someone else finds them... like under the pillow in the spare bed room.

Can I please trade S in for a dumber cat?