Friday, January 30, 2009

Also, I Plan to Start Wearing a Trenchcoat, Sunglasses, and Fedora in Public.

Hello, faithful readers. (By which I mean, Hi Phil.)

I'm having some internet privacy issues of late, so I'm going to lock down this Blog so that only people whom I approve can read it. It's probably something I should have done a long time ago, but I hate the feeling that I have to become all paranoid and hide my identity online. Mainly because I'm not all that interesting--I'd always thought that no one would really be interested in anything I post online. Not interested enough to stress about it, anyway.

So... in the next little while I'll be locking down this site. I've already locked down my Facebook page. If you want access to either, just drop me an email: becca {aaattt} cargoandjames {dottttt} com. (My hotmail account is too spammy.)

See ya undercover.


Anonymous said...

Careful, sister, the new web-bots have gotten better at deciphering the [at] [dot] com stuff now, so you might get some spam from this post. Sorry to make you even more paranoid.


Becca said...

Oh, for the love of... I've changed it. Think that will confound the web-bots, or do I need to invest in a digital fedora, trenchcoat and sunglasses?

Zobot said...

i would like to be added to your flist here.

Becca said...

...Maybe. Who are you?