Wednesday, March 07, 2007

... and if they could, can their paws work a mouse to get online?

You know how sometimes, you know what you should do, only it takes someone else to actually say it before you can really resolve on doing it? That's how it was for the Barky Dog situation. I knew that I should just go and talk to my neighbours, and, in fact, Trent and I had already sounded the idea of first asking our other neighbours Danny and Angie what the Barky Dog people are like--but I didn't really have the nerve to do it until you all gave me your brilliant, inspired, mature advice. So. On Thursday, I decided that I would go around and talk to both sets of neighbours on Saturday. Except that, on Friday, the dog didn't start barking until much later in the morning than usual--nearly 8:00 a.m. And on Saturday and Sunday, I didn't hear it at all until the afternoon. And yesterday, not until 7:30 a.m. ... until 8:30 a.m. A little later start than most days, but still, I was all ready to go and talk to neighbours today... except that this morning, the dog didn't bark at all. In fact, I didn't even see it as I left for school. And it wasn't outside when I got home, either. And it's not out now.

Last time Cujo disappeared was after I had called in a midnight noise complaint about it. So maybe one of my other neighbours got tired of the daily Sunrise Serenade. Or maybe the family got sick of that long, twice-daily walk from back door to the end of the driveway to tie up and bring in the dog.


Are we really sure dogs can't read? ...


Anonymous said...

My flaming letters advice was the mostest brilliant and unspired matture of thems all.


Becca said...

yup. It wuz the guddest.

BTW, Cujo was back at it again this morning.

Sigh. To the neighbours I go.

Anonymous said...

Do it Saturday so that Trent can 'casually' rake leaves in the lawn and make sure the neighbors are not axe-murderers.


Anonymous said...

After 'casually' raking leaves, Trent could pretend to be working on the front deck which happens to need a few end cuts on the cross beams so his new 'chain saw' would be the best tool for the job. :)

Note: For extra effect this procedure could take place at 6-7am timeframe. Always be safe and wear the white hockey mask for face protection and pre-warn the nice neighbors of this deck building activity.


Anonymous said...

Oh Becca, I miss you both so much. I never laugh so hard as when I read your makes me feel like you live next door again. Oh did we mention Alex and Sophia are planning to get a new puppy this spring? So I'd best monitor your friend's suggestions closely. (smile)

Bob, I especially liked the visual of Trent in the hockey mask "doing chores". Thanks all for the smiles.

Becca said...

I don't know Myrna, if Christina taught me anything, it's that small children can be used as anti-neighbour weapons just as well as dogs can...

Anonymous said...

At our old house, we had a neighbour's dog that barked ALL DAY from 7AM til 8 or 9PM. I asked the bylaw officer if she could do anything about it. She said to write down the times when it barks. So I wrote: 7AM, 7:10, 7:20, 7:30, 7:40...all the way to 9PM. Saw her around a few times after that. Then the dog wasn't left out all day anymore.
Good luck!