Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The First Crocuses Are Up!

I saw them on Bayers Road on Monday.

Now. I shouldn't be looking at crocuses, thinking about crocuses, or Blogging about crocuses, I should be reading and studying and thinking, and when I'm taking a break from reading, studying and thinking, I should be marking and marking and marking.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It just shows that all those tomes of the Wild Canadian Landscape are starting to bore themselves into your head.

You can start an essay about "Wild Crocuses Growing on the Wild Plain Next to the Wild Road - The Observation of Landscape Within Canadian Literature"...

{marking comments from TA Becca}
Super boring title = didn't even read the essay.. Sorry Nancy, but you should stick with drawing pictures..
{/marking comments from TA Becca}