Sunday, June 04, 2006

Everybody Blog Now!

Seriously. Make a Blog. Name it something silly. Phidit, you do the Wyoming Tumbleweed Blog; Roz, you can do the Harry Potter Fan Blog or the I Just Dodged Bonerville Blog; Trent can do the Transplanted Musician Blog, Paul can do the Only 26-Year-Old in Lethbridge Blog. Aunt Deb, you make the West Coast Granola Blog, Julie and Heather can compete for World's Cutest Baby Blog, Junaid can add to the world's store of I Love Gandalf Blogs, Toni can replace the Marathon Blog with the My Husband Makes Up Words Blog (Shramp Blog for short)... you get the picture. Just Blog. Because I'm addicted. I love Blogs. I love reading other people's Blogs, I Blogging, I love reading the comments you guys put on my Blog.

My Mommy Blogs. Just some incentive for you. Also, look at what I just noticed: See, Tania is not the only one to learn that ANYONE can read your Blog! (Good story, that. Another good story is the one about the time she went on a date with and subsequently injured the guy who posted anonymously to her Blog. Geeks are fragile! Cute, but fragile.)


Anonymous said...

We agree. PS We're planting flowers and thinking of you...
Roz and Toni

Becca said...

Yay! What kind of flowers? Begonias and Impatiens for shade? Petunias, Geraniums and Cosmos for full sun? Verbena, bacopa and lobelia for hanging baskets? Alyssum and matthiola for scent?
Wow. It's amazing that I can be so many kinds of nerd at once, isn't it?