Monday, November 13, 2006

Blog Existentialism...

So. Since I've started posting about The Balcony, either my Blog has been getting a lot more hits, or else I'm just much more aware of the number of people that find it by Googling stuff that I talk about here--the play, for instance. The first weird instance was Paul, a friend of Balcony castmate Veronica, who found me while trying to get info on the show, posted a comment, then introduced himself to me on opening night. Quite disconcerting, actually. To be perfectly honest, I quite enjoy it when some strangers, like Meg's friends Megs and Rice, who followed the Blog trail to me and started to post comments--and I've started reading Megs' Blog and posting to it, too--but... well, maybe I'm just more comfortable with distance. I feel like I'm sharing something intimate here (though not as intimate as what a certain belly-dancing friend of mine shares on her Blog, mind you...) with friends and close family, and sometimes with strangers that I'll probably never meet. Either way, it's a comfortable place. But last week, a theatre group from Montreal found my Blog and followed it to Theatre de Boheme's site, and emailed my director, David. He mentioned the other day that he'd checked out my Blog and, frankly, I was mortified. Now, don't get me wrong--David's a great guy (seriously, if you're reading this David, you rock!) but it kind of felt like getting caught in my underwear (ironic, actually, since, in any non-big-budget theatre production, your castmates will see you in your underwear, and it's not a big deal--everybody has to do their costume changes in the same close quarters!). I like David, but, like everybody that I've met in Halifax so far (except Meg and Nikki), he's not really in my comfort zone yet. At least, I haven't invited him in...

So. All this has got me thinking about why I Blog. I mean, if my director and castmates can find my Blog, my students probably can too... and do I want them seeing, say, my Flying Spaghetti Monster rant about late assignments or my appeal for teaching help? Or what about profs and other students in the department, who might read my Rhapsody on a Rejection Letter? And I remember that, one time, when I was clicking around Tania's Blog, I read a story about a guy who had been fired because of stuff he wrote about his job on his Blog. Maybe it would just be safer to start sending all this stuff in an email. The problem, though, with emails is that, first, mass emails suck. I mean, who wants to get their Inbox clogged up with weekly updates on their friends' lives? It seems so impersonal, too, sending the same message to your best friend, your brother, your mom, your parents-in-law, your former harbour-hitchhiking partner, your new friends, your old friends, your former co-bridesmaid, ... you get the picture. And yet, who has the time to send a gazillion personal emails, all telling the same story about the time you got to be an extra in a movie about Vikings? I mean, I love you all (at least, those of you I know and have met in person more than once...) but I know that, as a long-distance correspondant, I kind of suck. I've never much liked talking on the phone (at least, not since I left my 'teens!) and emailing still seems so impersonal to me. But Blogging has the advantage of being able to tell a story once--like at a party, or over coffee. And you guys know how much I love private parties and going out for coffee. Also, I love it when you guys post comments on my Blog--it makes me feel connected to you, to home, to a community. I love it because it feels like I'm actually having a conversation with you. I know that I'm weird about it, that I'm constantly begging you guys to comment on my Blog, but it's because this way, I actually feel like I'm hanging out with you guys, chatting it up, in a way that email and phone calls just can't manage. (Nones, it's breaking my heart that I haven't heard from you on here in a while!) Also, I can share pics without filling up your Inboxes and making important messages from fake banks and porn sites bounce back (because, as we all know, the internets are not a truck!). Frankly, I really like Blogging. More than anything else, it keeps me from getting too homesick. I like reading other people's Blogs (Mom, Roz, Toni and Julie, even though you haven't posted for months, I still check every day, just in case!) and I get so excited when I see that there are new comments on my Blog. So. I guess that's it. I'm going to have to suck it up and risk having my students try and blackmail me for stupid things I post, or have aquaintances tease me about the dumb stuff I say. Hell, this post alone has furnished interlopers with a fair bit of ammo, I think...


tania said...

hey hon, blog away, you have to take the risk that someone might find this, it is after all the internet.
Might I suggest that the problem is that you've made your identity too apparent. You can't google my name and come up with my blog. I also never mention names of where I work or even where I live, though if you read the blog for long enough you get a pretty massive clue. it's all about the subterfuge. Or you can just let it all hang out and let the cards fall where they may.
But don't stop blogging! I love your blog.

Anonymous said...

Just think, if random people read your blog, so do THEY. Uh oh, I've been logged on too long... prank caller! prank caller!

-Definately not your little brother

Becca said...

Hmm... Tell me, Tania, how was it that you learned that lesson about not putting your name on your Blog so it can be Googled? Honestly babe, I learn so much from you! :)

tania said...

Yes I did have to learn a lesson about that after John found me when I was trying to get elected into student politics. Yeesh.

I wouldn't worry about people finding this blog, it's not like they're going to find Spike/Angel slash on it or anything:) You are one of those people out there brave enough to have your mom reading your blog and so already have a a mental censor in your brain: if it's something you would say to your mom, then it won't be all that bad/personal so who cares who finds it?

Megs said...

Well, I have thougt about this too. I deleted my old blog (twice...ask Rice and Meg...they have had to update my address constantly) which had way more readers because I didn't want students/campers googling me or stumbling upon it. It's sad that I had to censor myself that way but I felt it was necessary.

Also, some people would email me being all crazy and telling me I needed therapy when really they were reading a character and not necessarily "MEG" all the time. It got annoying. I had to keep putting up disclaimers and long posts about what creative thought was and I just got fed up.

I kept the entries in case one day...i need them! hahah
I like your blog...keep it up.

Becca said...

See? Blogs--bringing really cool people who have never met together. That settles it--it's a keeper. Interlopers be warned: I'll not be daunted by, as Megs puts it, shifty eyes...
Y'know, the psychiatric community had better keep their eye on the Blogging phenomenon. We're going to seriously start costing them money soon, what with us solving our own mental problems online and all...

Anonymous said...

You don't know me, so I guess that makes me an interloper. I do know Tania, though, and her small perversions have led me here. I just thought I'd put in my two cents worth about the "to blog or not to blog" question. I find it theraputic to read a blog based in Halifax. Halifax was my home for 30 years until I up and moved from there to Edmonton a year ago. So, I'm slightly homesick and reading about harbours and whatnot gives me a pleasure that non-Haligonians might not appreciate. I've also surmised that you're probably attending my alma mater, and so I read in hopes of catching references to people or places on campus that I know, as well. So, I would prefer that you not stop. For what it's worth.

Julie said...

you are so cute. and I did update my blog. I do not blog out of - well- lack of confidence more then anything.

Here to blogging. Keep it up as I love to read your blog. and here's to my sexy viking friends.

you both look great as vikings. maybe in another life you were a viking pair. hmmm

tania said...

To all those who don't know Kirtles, I can vouch for his coolness. Just in case you thought he was a creepy stalker guy :)

Rice said...

haHA.. Blogging is just a new easier form of stalking.. But the only problem is that you are limited to the amount of info that is available on line or with the newest stalking tool Google. But fortunately we live in the same town **sinister grin**..

"I'm just joking ya" as my son would say.

Cool Viking costumes by the way, makes me a little home sick..



PS. The funny thing with the “degrees of Bloggaration” in this case is that I linked over to your blog from that what’s your blog worth website when I was looking at other blogs in Halifax. I think that was the end of it but then I seen your comments on Megs blog..

Becca said...

Oops--sorry Kirles, I thought you were a girl! Thanks for the heads-up, Tania!

Anonymous said...

Neither a creepy stalker guy nor a girl am I. I must say that both interpretations of my text give me pause.