Saturday, September 24, 2005

My Blog is Lonely.

I was just checking out Toni's and Roz's marathon sites, and holy comments, batman! My blog is lonely. Sometimes Mom and Toni add comments, but I'm starting to feel like that kid in school who has to list her mom as one of her friends on a class assignment so that the booger-eating kid in the back of the room isn't her only firend. Not that Toni is a booger-eater. Well, she might be--I don't know. In fact, they says that booger eating boosts your immune system, so that kid in the back of the classroom will probably outlive us all. Not the point. Anyhow, I know I'm not training for a trans-continental marathon to combat a life-threatening illness, but is ANYBODY reading my Blog, other than Brad and Toni?
Okay. I'm indulging in a little minor self-pity here. I'll stop now. I miss you guys. Email me or something.


Adventures with Roz and Toni said...

I read your blog daily! hehe! cuz I miss you.

Your blog doesn't allow anonymous comments which is good and bad. Good because you block out annoying spam comments like on our blog, but Bad cause everyone needs a user account to comment ....
love you!

Patti said...

I'm reading it! You don't know me from Adam though, so I don't know if that counts. I'm moving from Ottawa to Halifax in a month and was searching for blogs about Halifax. Yours was a delight to find, as you're going through kind of the same thing I will be. Good luck to you - hope you won't mind if I follow your blog now and then.