Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Oh My God, Who Said I Could?

There must be a mistake. Someone, somewhere, indicated that I'm some sort of adult authority figure or something, and now students are coming to me, asking for help on their essays. Two of them so far. And they TRUST me. They think the answers I give them are RIGHT...


Anonymous said...

Now's your time Becca. Mess with them.

Anonymous said...

clut. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

You know Becca, you could be using these students to increase blog readership. Suggest to them that they read your blog and make comments to improve their writing skills. Give them assignments...
Becca's Blog Brain Booster 1:
Post a blog that contains at least three different types of sentences. Mention how smart Becca is.
Becca's Blog Brain Booster 2:
Write a sonnet about Becca, bonus points if she blushes.
Becca's Blog Brain Booster 3:
Find classic examples of split infinitives and comment. Why are they so exciting?
See, I think I'm getting smarter already. Although I'm not getting a lot of work done at the lab...

Anonymous said...

Now YOU need the stuffed monkey and bag of popcorn, isn't that right Mr Squeaky? ...