Sunday, September 11, 2005

Sad Day

I sent my Trent home on the airplane today, and my apartment suddenly feels very, very quiet. I wish my classes had already started so that I could be busy reading.
Trent got to do a news interview at the airport about flying on the anniversary of September 11th. I'm ashamed to admit that we were both so absorbed in our own stuff, we didn't even realize it was the anniversary. So look for him on Global tonight. I can't. I still don't have cable.
Enkidu misses Ozzy. I tell her not to be sad--we'll see him soon. I don't think she's listening to me. Maybe it would make her feel better if someone were to call or email us...

1 comment:

Adventures with Roz and Toni said...

Don't be silly - Trent's home is with you. He's just come back to take care of a few things....

Tell Enkidu that Simon and Meetoo will send pics soon :)