Saturday, September 17, 2005

Stink Follows Me

Yep, it's true. From what I can see, Halifax is a fairly normally-scented town... except wherever I must spend much of my time. First, the apartment which, when I moved in, smelled like Grandma's basement (but thanks to the good folks at Glade and whoever invented the screened window, it now smells like flowers. Seriously. The phone hook-up guy had to comment on how nice my apartment smells). After that, I encountered your ordinary gambit of ordinary scents... until today, when I was assigned my office. Just a little background: my office is an a converted Victorian mansion on LeMarchant Street, which unfortunately has an army-bunker-like section of offices appended to it. Guess where my office is. Yup--the bunker section. And it smells like stale playdough and--ta-da! Grandama's basement! Bring on the Glade, baby. The good news is: it could be worse. Some poor saps have offices in the basement. Of a Victorian house. Blech.
Do you know what it is that they call the house where my office is? Bleak House. Kind of figures, doesn't it?


Adventures with Roz and Toni said...


This sucks - the time difference thing. everytime i get home I plan to call you.... then i realize it's like midnight your time.

So I want to know all about ... everything..... so that I can picture where you are!

oh! I have news! I chopped my hair! It looks cute (I gave it to locks of love so you can't be too mad at me).

Anyway, I miss you like crazy, but I'm sure glad you have this blog;) It helps ;)

Anonymous said...

Bleak house? Really? Oh the memories come flooding back of meeting with profs and grad students like you to whine for extra points on essays...Too cool. Except for the smell, sorry to hear about your smell. Have you been in the library yet, in the english periodical section? I think that smell is just the essence of Dal.

I miss you becca, Junaid and I went to see "the rez sisters" last night, and one of your old classmates (Chris) was playing this adorable seagull/diety...would've been better had you been there to grant an introduction ;)